2010年11月1日 星期一

Thousands gather in D.C. for Stewart

Thousands gather in D.C. for Stewart

People assembled by the tens of thousands Saturday on the National Mall for a "sanity" rally blending laughs, activism and a call to civility from two improbable maestros of moderation, comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
The crowds were festive, goofy, disillusioned with the state of politics if not the nation,accent lighting is lighting that emphasizes an area of or an object in a room. and ready to play nice at a gathering called to counter all the shouting and flying insults of these polarized times. But there were political undertones, too, pushing back against conservatives ahead of Tuesday's election.

"I hate signs," said one sign.roseabc started a new discussion called Payments. "Have you seen my keys?" said another.

Slogans urged people to "relax." But also: "Righties,sfyhshop – Maqsood five-for sinks Peshawar. don't stomp on my head," a reference to a Republican rally in Kentucky at which a liberal activist was pulled to the ground and stepped on. And, "I wouldn't care if the president was Muslim."

Shannon Escobar,In the section Container you can find all kinds of container lashing equipment. 31, of Bangor, Pa., came with a group of 400 people on buses chartered in New York. A supporter of President Barack Obama in 2008, she said she's tired of nasty rhetoric from both sides and disenchanted with lack of progress in Washington.

"I want to see real change — not Obama change," she said. "We need a clean slate and start over with people really working together."

A regular viewer of Stewart's "The Daily Show," she said she had a dream that he ran for political office, but got "corrupt and dirty.What Dubai is facing currently is very similar to what a lot of other countries have faced,computerpartsuppliers."

"I need him to stay pure," she said, deadpan.

People also carried signs in favor of United Farmworkers and the movement to give the District of Columbia a vote in Congress. Many were college students, but the crowd cut across all age groups. "Seniors for pot" cried a half-dozen older people.

Organizers insisted the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear wasn't about politics. Still, supporters and left-leaning advocacy groups hoped it would rekindle some of the voter enthusiasm for Democrats seen in 2008, particularly among young adults.

Stewart is popular especially with Democrats and independents, a Pew Research Center poll found. Colbert of "The Colbert Report" poses as an ultraconservative, and the stage Saturday was stacked with entertainers associated with Democratic causes or Obama's 2008 campaign.

