Let’s not give violence a chance
I don’t care if you are a far-left pinko,Choose the best cctv camera watches. a right-wing nut job, a crazy tea partier, some other whackadoodle or part of the moderate middle --–– I don’t want to kill you and I hope you don’t want to kill me.
So we disagree politically. Maybe one of us wants to cut social programs, thereby forcing folks to stand on their own two feet. Maybe the other one of us wants to increase social programs to help people get through tough times.
People are individuals. They have had different life experiences and are bound to have different points of view.
If anything, we’re more individualistic now than we ever have been before. Once upon a time, the majority of us all watched the same TV news shows and sitcoms. Unless you lived in a big city, you probably only had one or two movie choices on any given Saturday night.Huge selection of gaga-deals for your garde, We had a common culture to fall back on.
Now, no matter how unusual your views,Huge selection of gaga-deals for your garde, there is a news source out there that will cater to your exact beliefs. Even if you are of the opinion that aliens are quietly taking over the government, you can find a news site on the Internet that backs you up.
Consider one person who watches little TV,The deck lighting bulb revolution nearly occurred back in the early 1990s. listens to classical music on public radio, keeps up with the news mostly via newspapers and reads serious novels for fun. Consider another person who loves to watch NASCAR and wrestling and reality shows, doesn’t care for reading and goes deer hunting for fun.
What are the chances these two folks are going to favor the same political candidate? Obviously, slim to none. But that’s certainly no reason for either to vilify the other.
I’m not saying we have to agree with each other, but I am saying that we can disagree without bringing violence into it. There is no justification whatsoever for hateful rhetoric that calls for violence.
You can think the folks favoring the other candidate are nuts.outdoor christmas decorations from PrestigeTime at discounted prices. You can think they’re poorly educated. You can think they’re too ivory-tower. You can think they’re too stupid to find their way out of a wet paper bag. What you can’t (responsibly) do is call for their blood.
Guns are for killing. They’re serious stuff. They are not to be bandied about in order to score political points. Don’t bring out the guns — literally or figuratively — if you’re not ready for blood to spill.
After Saturday’s shooting in Arizona, how do you interpret, “Get on target for victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly?”
I don’t care if you are a far-left pinko,Choose the best cctv camera watches. a right-wing nut job, a crazy tea partier, some other whackadoodle or part of the moderate middle --–– I don’t want to kill you and I hope you don’t want to kill me.
So we disagree politically. Maybe one of us wants to cut social programs, thereby forcing folks to stand on their own two feet. Maybe the other one of us wants to increase social programs to help people get through tough times.
People are individuals. They have had different life experiences and are bound to have different points of view.
If anything, we’re more individualistic now than we ever have been before. Once upon a time, the majority of us all watched the same TV news shows and sitcoms. Unless you lived in a big city, you probably only had one or two movie choices on any given Saturday night.Huge selection of gaga-deals for your garde, We had a common culture to fall back on.
Now, no matter how unusual your views,Huge selection of gaga-deals for your garde, there is a news source out there that will cater to your exact beliefs. Even if you are of the opinion that aliens are quietly taking over the government, you can find a news site on the Internet that backs you up.
Consider one person who watches little TV,The deck lighting bulb revolution nearly occurred back in the early 1990s. listens to classical music on public radio, keeps up with the news mostly via newspapers and reads serious novels for fun. Consider another person who loves to watch NASCAR and wrestling and reality shows, doesn’t care for reading and goes deer hunting for fun.
What are the chances these two folks are going to favor the same political candidate? Obviously, slim to none. But that’s certainly no reason for either to vilify the other.
I’m not saying we have to agree with each other, but I am saying that we can disagree without bringing violence into it. There is no justification whatsoever for hateful rhetoric that calls for violence.
You can think the folks favoring the other candidate are nuts.outdoor christmas decorations from PrestigeTime at discounted prices. You can think they’re poorly educated. You can think they’re too ivory-tower. You can think they’re too stupid to find their way out of a wet paper bag. What you can’t (responsibly) do is call for their blood.
Guns are for killing. They’re serious stuff. They are not to be bandied about in order to score political points. Don’t bring out the guns — literally or figuratively — if you’re not ready for blood to spill.
After Saturday’s shooting in Arizona, how do you interpret, “Get on target for victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly?”