2011年2月15日 星期二

Bird watching can be fascinating

Bird watching can be fascinating

Kelly-Sue O'Connor of Moncton is one of those passionate ones. She even hiked eight months pregnant into the forest of Fundy National Park last winter during a snowstorm to take part in the annual bird count.

That might be a bit extreme for many people, but it shows the fascination that these winged creatures have.

New Brunswick has as many as 370 different species of birds from the sparrows to the eagle, each with their own markings, attributes and habitats.The deck lighting bulb revolution nearly occurred back in the early 1990s. Most people have seen cardinals and blue jays and chickadees to the common crow and gulls. But even here, there are differences, she says. There are different types of gulls and two species of chickadees, the black capped and the boreal.

Kelly-Sue considers herself an ambassador for the hobby of birdwatching and is anxious for the start of the annual Great Backyard Bird Count conducted Feb. 18-21 across North America.

Anybody can participate. All it takes is as little as 15 minutes a day watching and counting birds in your area with or without binoculars. It could be the backyard bird feeder or on a short walk along a park trail, or waterfowl along the marshes,FASCINANTES Bell Ross 100% suizos.Huge selection of gaga-deals for your garde, beaches and boardwalks. Just watching and listening, she says.

"It's lots of fun," she says, noting she's been a "birder" for four years, now.

And if you're a little more serious about bird watching,cctv cameras Carrera watch is a good choice for a man of active. get a field guide identifying New Brunswick birds that describes their particular colouration, size and habitat. You can even get an app IBirdPro for IPhones that list 1,000 birds, songs and facts. Bird songs not only help find the bird but identify it as well, she explains.

Kelly-Sue said it was a chance encounter while living in Toronto with an abandoned canary that she took in and soon she and the bird were inseparable. She read everything about canaries and from there soon found herself immersed inside the world of ornithology.

"Birds do tell a story of life changing around us," by changes in habits, decline in numbers and other indicators, she says.Choose from a huge range of Bvlgari. Urban and other developments often encroach onto bird habitats with detrimental effect.

Kelly-Sue recommends taking a camera and photographing the birds whenever possible, then having a better chance at identifying it later and perhaps spotting other birds missed when taking a photograph.

It's also a great way to get the children outside and teach them about nature. People of all ages are getting into bird watching, she says.

