2011年6月16日 星期四

A year after Scappoose

A year after Scappoose

A year after Scappoose created its fenced-in off-leash dog park — within Veteran’s Park — St. Helens is looking to do the same in McCormick Park.authenticbreitlingwatchesstore

Despite initial concerns among some members of St. Helens’ Parks Commission —concerns that the city was looking at creating a dog park without the oversight of the commission — a public hearing will be held on the matter on Wednesday, March 2, at 6 p.m.rolexshop at City Hall.

The Parks Commission had originally tabled its discussion to move forward on an off-leash dog park, before bringing it back for discussion.

“We wanted to table it because we didn’t know what resources were available for it,” said Sari Swick, a member of the Parks Commission who supports the dog park. “You can say, ‘Yeah, this area is for dogs,’ but you need an encpandorabeadswatcheslosed area for them.”

The early stage of dog-park planning is moving forward with the oversight of City Councilor Doug Morten, who also oversees the Parks Commission for City Council. He continued to look at the option even after the Parks Commission originally tabled it.

Ideally, the off-leash area would not move forward without the Park Commission’s authorization, said City Administrator Chad Olsen. After hearing about the city’s proposal at its Feb. 28 meeting, members of the Parks Commission, including Swick, say they now want to readdress the issue.

That enclosed area may come in the form of an existing fenced-off area near a building in McCormick Park.fluorescentbulbsshop Obtaining permanent fencing would be the largest barrier to the off-leash area’s development, Swick said.

The proposal may also call for other dog-park amenities,energy saving light including a dispenser for plastic containers to pick up dog waste.

If St. Helens is building off of Scappoose’s model, then dog lovers will have something to look forward to.

