2010年10月19日 星期二

Harbor Seals get second chance at life

Harbor Seals get second chance at life

You could certainly call it a day at the beach for these guys. Just take a look at those faces.manufacturing site of Apex universal joints. And it's no wonder the cameras' were flashing. They are Medway, Newry and Jackman. All three were found sick on area beaches.

"We had one animal with an ear infection, all three had respiratory infections and parasites. They were treated we got some weight on them and were able to release them,China supplier of floorsocks." says Kristen Patchett of the UNE Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center.

It's always a happy moment for the students and staff at the rehabilitation center when it's time to open the gates. The seals were a little slow on the get-go... But then it was a neck and neck race between these two to get home.

"This past summer was a little bit busier than normal,Five days from the kick-off,pumpabc. we had a few more animals then we were use to getting at our center."

While seals are very cute to look at,The exact number of cctv cameras in the UK is not known. you need to remember they are wildlife. Tending to them should be left to the professionals.plug2010 is a Registered User in the EliteFitness.

"The best thing you can do is keep your distance seals do crawl out on the beach to rest it is very normal for them to do that. if you do see a seal and are concerned the best thing to do is call the Maine Department of Resources."

As the crowd watches these three with excitment, they are just taking in the view.

