Nashua family copes with loss of father to heart disease
Sonya Daigle had a stark reminder of how brief and uncertain life can be when her husband, Daniel Daigle, died unexpectedly Sept. 24 at 46.
Daigle had a congenital heart defect, as he was born with two fused valves.american lighting However, he had passed a doctor’s checkup a few months earlier with flying colors and had displayed no symptoms before collapsing as he was leaving work at Etchstone Properties. He died of calcific aortic stenosis, a clogging of a valve leading from the heart, which caused the organ to shut down.
Daigle had come home for lunch that day, and left his wife with two big hugs and the promise, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Sonya Daigle was left with grief and shock.
“We had no idea that was coming,” she said.
But she also was comforted by knowing that her husband lived life to the fullest and left behind no unfinished business.
“When he left, I knew he loved me. I know he loved his children,” Sonya Daigle said.
“He was happy.”
The Daigles had been married seven years. A portrait hangs in the family living room showing the blended family. It was taken about a year ago, and Sonya is grateful the family had it done.
Before they met,cctv camera Dan Daigle had a daughter,wholesalersblog Magen, 19. Sonya Daigle had two daughters, Hannah, 19, and Nicole,fingerprinter 16.
Magen and Hannah were friends and had played matchmaker to bring the couple together, Sonya said.
Together, they had twin boys, Caleb and Conrad, 3 12.
A fund for the children has been set up at the Church of the Good Shepherd, which the Daigles attended.wholesalersblogs
Sonya Daigle had a stark reminder of how brief and uncertain life can be when her husband, Daniel Daigle, died unexpectedly Sept. 24 at 46.
Daigle had a congenital heart defect, as he was born with two fused valves.american lighting However, he had passed a doctor’s checkup a few months earlier with flying colors and had displayed no symptoms before collapsing as he was leaving work at Etchstone Properties. He died of calcific aortic stenosis, a clogging of a valve leading from the heart, which caused the organ to shut down.
Daigle had come home for lunch that day, and left his wife with two big hugs and the promise, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Sonya Daigle was left with grief and shock.
“We had no idea that was coming,” she said.
But she also was comforted by knowing that her husband lived life to the fullest and left behind no unfinished business.
“When he left, I knew he loved me. I know he loved his children,” Sonya Daigle said.
“He was happy.”
The Daigles had been married seven years. A portrait hangs in the family living room showing the blended family. It was taken about a year ago, and Sonya is grateful the family had it done.
Before they met,cctv camera Dan Daigle had a daughter,wholesalersblog Magen, 19. Sonya Daigle had two daughters, Hannah, 19, and Nicole,fingerprinter 16.
Magen and Hannah were friends and had played matchmaker to bring the couple together, Sonya said.
Together, they had twin boys, Caleb and Conrad, 3 12.
A fund for the children has been set up at the Church of the Good Shepherd, which the Daigles attended.wholesalersblogs