2011年2月21日 星期一

A recent report by the Ohio Trafficking

A recent report by the Ohio Trafficking

A recent report by the Ohio Trafficking in Persons Study Commission estimates there are about 1,000 American-born children forced into the sex trade every year in Ohio alone. Toledo has been ranked fourth in the nation by the FBI and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children as a top U.S. recruitment city for trafficking children.

Tasha Perdue, a member of the Ohio Trafficking in Persons Study Commission Research and Analysis Sub-Committee, has researched the issue of sex trafficking in the Toledo area.

"Toledo is a recruitment area where people are taken to different areas," Perdue said. "Children can be recruited by anyone."

The average age for recruitment ranges from 12 to 14 years old.

"It's usually someone they trust and they usually develop a relationship with them," Perdue said. "It's a lot more damaging that way."

Victims begin to believe lies from their traffickers, such as believing they themselves are three or four years older. Once they are rescued, it takes many rounds of interviewing to get the true story, Perdue said.

Members of the Ohio Trafficking in Persons Study Commission are looking to make a standard form for law enforcement advisors so they can keep a record of what trafficking looks like.

Even after victims are rescued, the problems do not end. There is often nowhere for them to go.

"They are often sent to the juvenile detention center,A fast lookup on the net will also provide good results on exactly where to obtain authentic HUBLOT watches. which makes other victims fearful to come forward," Perdue said. "We don't have appropriate social responses in place and it's going to take a lot of changes to take responsibility for these youth."

The United States only has four safe houses up and running for rescued victims of sex trafficking. The number of beds doesn't even come close to the number of victims who need them, with an estimated 20,000 people trafficked into the United States every year.

Flores is working on starting a safe house in the Columbus area,Our pool table covers come in a variety of colors and sizes including NCAA . and Jeff Wilbarger, director of the Daughter Project, is looking to set one up near Bowling Green.

